I found out that the male is called Chris & the female is called Noodle or something or other. Any way one of the small people called around early today. I don't know whether the small person was being entertained or if it was a special treat for me, but today we went to the beach. We walked around Crosby Marina before walking down to the beach. Chris had his binoculars with him and watched a Long-tailed Duck 1st-winter female on the Marine Lake before we all walked down to the beach. Isn't sand great? It gets everywhere, and I mean everywhere. It has taken me all day to get rid of all the sand out of my coat.
The small person was so full of energy but she also kept pestering me with a new ball. It was still early morning and most of the sand was frozen so the ball bounced a lot and went really far. She was so persistant with the ball and at the end of the walk I was knackered. I met lots of new canine friends and one really 'orrible ugly pug-faced dog that wanted to fight me. God some dogs are thick. Don't they realise that I am only a puppy and want play, I'm far too young to fight. Chris protected me though so I was ok.
And of course there was the sea! The Mersey Estuary. The water was freezing and the small person kept throwing the ball in the water for me to fetch. I humoured her for while but bloody hell the water was cold, don't think I'll like too much of that. The dunes were better though, but a little hard work getting to the top with all the sand running away under your feet. We came home and I just wanted to sleep, I was so tired I didn't eat all of my lunch and as punishment they gave me no dinner.
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